Thank you for showing interest in reviewing contributions made to Open Terms Archive. This document is intended to help you get started and provide some guidelines for reviewing contributions.
We want to make sure that the contributions made to the project are of high quality and that they are in line with the vision of the project. We also want to make sure that the contributions are reviewed in a timely manner so that the contributors can get feedback and continue to contribute to the project. This is where volunteer reviewers come in to help. Reviewers are people who have volunteered to review contributions made to the project. They are not paid for their work, but they are given credit for their work.
Anyone can review contributions. As hinted before, most of the contributions made to Open Terms Archive are contractual documents that are to be tracked. Therefore, you don’t need to be a programmer or have any technical knowledge. You just need to be able to read and understand the contribution and provide feedback where necessary.
It depends on the contribution. Some contributions may be spot on and can be reviewed in a few minutes. Other contributions may require a more detailed review and changes to be made and can take longer. We estimate it to take 3 to 15 mins for one to review a document. The first reviews might be a bit longer as reviewers get familiar with the process, and will speed up with time.
To get started, we will need to understand a few things. The nature of the contributions you will be reviewing, where to get the contributions to review and the tools that will help you in reviewing the contributions.
The contributions you will be reviewing are contractual documents of digital services. These are documents that govern the relationship between two or more parties. They are not the original documents, but rather the terms extracted from these documents. If the terms are represented accurately, it will be easier to follow on with any subsequent changes in the document. Contributors track these documents (sometimes, anonymously) by submitting a pull request either using a tool that helps contributors add documents to the project, the GUI contributing tool, or by creating a JSON file and adding it via a pull request. You can find more information about pull requests here.
There are three types of contributions you’ll come across:
The method used to review each of these types of contribution varies, and you’ll find a detailed explanation below.
The contributions can be found in the form of pull requests in the repository of the collection you want to work on. For example, for the Contrib collection, they are visible under the pull requests tab of the contrib-declarations
Your focus should be on two aspects: accuracy and quality.
and long chains e.g. div > body > .aside > p > span > a )
When some terms can no longer be tracked by the Open Terms Archive engine, an issue is created in the collection repository. This issue contains the details on why the document cannot be tracked and the date the challenge was encountered. Contributors are then required to update the declaration in order to bring back the tracking of the terms. The updates can be made using the contribution tool and it’s effects will be similar to the one seen when adding declaration but with a slight change. The pull request created will consist of fewer checks than those that add declarations, as some aspects have already been previously checked, such as the name of the service and its ID. The checks will guide the reviewer on the key things to look out for during the review process, and a link to inspect the declaration.
For pull requests that update declarations, you should focus should be on two things: history file and declaration.
property that specifies the date a specific version of a service declaration was last effective. You have to confirm that this date is the same as the date in the issue opened for the declaration when the bot couldn’t track it for the first time. This issue is usually included in the pull request message. The history file is updated with every update
pull request. You can find more information about the history file here.update
pull requests, you only look at the selectors to make sure they are simple and also verify the generated version is ok.:nth-child(n)
and long chains e.g. div > body > .aside > p > span > a )
verify version
property in the history file under the Files changes
section of the pull request. If the dates are the same, proceed to approve the pull request.You can read more about maintaining declarations from the official documentation.
When you spot an error in a contribution, instead of asking the author to implement these changes, we usually recommend you fix it, especially for first time contributors, in order to speed up the process. You can make your corrections directly through the graphical user interface and send the document. This will create an update in the already existing pull request and a new comment will be generated by the OTA-bot.
In some special cases, the correction may have to do with the service name. Such changes modify the branch name, hence, creating a new pull request instead of updating the initial pull request as their names are now different. In any case, it’s always important to let the contributor know about any changes or corrections you make to their contribution.
Why is it important to use simple CSS selectors for selecting and removing significant and insignificant parts respectively? It is important to use simple selectors to have greater stability. The more simple the selectors are the more stable the tracking will be over time as content is updated.
How can we tell if a section is insignificant in the contractual document? The best way to judge if a section doesn’t not fit into the contractual document is by asking yourself if a change made on that section has any legal impact. If not it can be viewed as insignificant.
What should I do if removing a small insignificant part leads to complex CSS selectors? If you are trying to remove a small insignificant section like a contact part in a document and it brings up complex CSS selectors, we would prefer you leave that minor section. It is better to have stable documents than accurate ones that are tideous to maintain.
How do we give feedback when reviewing a pull request? Even though there will be contributors who are technically skilled and those who aren’t, you are encouraged to provide comments line by line in the pull request for more context and to provide suggestions.
How do we suggest changes to a contributor? It is encouraged to empower contributors to make required changes themselves, however for first time contributors, you can make the changes and explain why they are neccessary as they progressively learn. In due time they get better at it and can make changes on their own.